Le détecteur de Harris est un détecteur assez simple qui permet d'extraire les "coins" des contours. Les points récupérés sont souvent utilisés dans les algorithmes de reconnaissance de forme.

plus d'info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corner_detection
Code Java : | Sélectionner tout |
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GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Parameters"); gd.addNumericField("Half-Window size",1,0); gd.addNumericField("Gaussian sigma",1.4,1); gd.addNumericField("Min Harris measure for corners",10,0); gd.addNumericField("Min distance between corners",8,0); int halfwindow = 0; double gaussiansigma = 0; int minMeasure = 0; int minDistance = 0; while(true) { gd.showDialog(); if ( gd.wasCanceled() ) return DONE; halfwindow = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); gaussiansigma = (double) gd.getNextNumber(); minMeasure = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); minDistance = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); if (halfwindow<=0) continue; if (gaussiansigma<=0) continue; if (minMeasure<0) continue; if (minDistance<0) continue; break; } gd.dispose(); this.halfwindow = halfwindow; this.gaussiansigma = gaussiansigma; this.minMeasure = minMeasure; this.minDistance = minDistance; return PlugInFilter.DOES_8G; } public void run(ImageProcessor ip) { // ImageProcessor -> ByteProcessor conversion ByteProcessor bp = new ByteProcessor(ip.getWidth(),ip.getHeight()); for (int y = 0; y < ip.getHeight(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < ip.getWidth(); x++) { bp.set(x,y,ip.getPixel(x,y)); } } // canny filter ByteProcessor newbp = filter( bp, this.minMeasure, this.minDistance ); // ByteProcessor -> ImageProcessor conversion ImageProcessor out = new ByteProcessor(ip.getWidth(),ip.getHeight()); for (int y = 0; y < ip.getHeight(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < ip.getWidth(); x++) { out.set(x,y,newbp.get(x,y)); } } ImagePlus newImg = new ImagePlus("Canny Filter Result", out); newImg.show(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Gaussian window function * * @param x x coordinates * @param y y coordinates * @param sigma2 variance * @return value of the function */ private double gaussian(double x, double y, double sigma2) { double t = (x*x+y*y)/(2*sigma2); double u = 1.0/(2*Math.PI*sigma2); double e = u*Math.exp( -t ); return e; } /** * compute harris measure for a pixel * * @param c Image map * @param x x coord of the computation * @param y y coord of the computation * @return harris measure */ private double harrisMeasure(ByteProcessor c, int x, int y) { double m00=0, m01=0, m10=0, m11=0; // Harris estimator // ---------------- // // k = det(A) - lambda * trace(A)^2 // // Where A is the second-moment matrix // // | Lx²(x+dx,y+dy) Lx.Ly(x+dx,y+dy) | // A = Sum | | * Gaussian(dx,dy) // dx,dy | Lx.Ly(x+dx,y+dy) Ly²(x+dx,y+dy) | // // and lambda = 0.06 (totaly empirical :-) for(int dy=-halfwindow;dy<=halfwindow;dy++) { for(int dx=-halfwindow;dx<=halfwindow;dx++) { int xk = x + dx; int yk = y + dy; if (xk<0 || xk>=c.getWidth()) continue; if (yk<0 || yk>=c.getHeight()) continue; // gradient value double[] g = gradient.getVector(c,xk,yk); double gx = g[0]; double gy = g[1]; // gaussian window double gw = gaussian(dx,dy,gaussiansigma); // second-moment matrix elements m00 += gx * gx * gw; m01 += gx * gy * gw; m10 = m01; m11 += gy * gy * gw; } } // Harris corner measure double harris = m00*m11 - m01*m10 - 0.06*(m00+m11)*(m00+m11); // scaled down return harris/(256*256); } /** * return the the measure at pixel (x,y) if the pixel is a spatial Maxima, else return -1 * * @param c original image * @param x x coordinates of pixel * @param y y coordinates of pixel * @return the measure if the pixel is a spatial Maxima, else -1 */ private double spatialMaximaofHarrisMeasure(ByteProcessor c, int x, int y) { int n=8; int[] dx = new int[] {-1,0,1,1,1,0,-1,-1}; int[] dy = new int[] {-1,-1,-1,0,1,1,1,0}; double w = harrisMeasure(c,x,y); for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { double wk = harrisMeasure(c,x+dx[i],y+dy[i]); if (wk>=w) return -1; } return w; } /** * Perfom Harris Corner Detection * * @param c Image map * @param tilesize size of a tile * @param nmbmax max number of corner to keep * @return filtered image map */ public ByteProcessor filter(ByteProcessor c, int minMeasure, int minDistance) { int width = c.getWidth(); int height = c.getHeight(); // copy of the original image (at little darker) ByteProcessor c2 = new ByteProcessor(width,height); for (int y=0; y<height; y++) for (int x=0; x<width; x++) c2.set(x,y,(int)(c.get(x,y)*0.80)); // for each tile in the image for (int y=0; y<height; y++) { for (int x=0; x<width; x++) { // harris measure int h = (int)spatialMaximaofHarrisMeasure(c, x, y); // add the corner to the list if (h>=minMeasure) corners.add( new int[]{x,y,h} ); } } // remove corners to close to each other (keep the highest measure) Iterator<int[]> iter = corners.iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { int[] p = iter.next(); for(int[] n:corners) { if (n==p) continue; int dist = (int)Math.sqrt( (p[0]-n[0])*(p[0]-n[0])+(p[1]-n[1])*(p[1]-n[1]) ); if( dist>minDistance) continue; if (n[2]<p[2]) continue; iter.remove(); break; } } // Display corners over the image (cross) for (int[] p:corners) { for (int dx=-2; dx<=2; dx++) { if (p[0]+dx<0 || p[0]+dx>=width) continue; c2.set(p[0]+dx,p[1],255); } for (int dy=-2; dy<=2; dy++) { if (p[1]+dy<0 || p[1]+dy>=height) continue; c2.set(p[0],p[1]+dy,255); } //System.out.println("corner found at: "+p[0]+","+p[1]+" ("+p[2]+")"); } return c2; } public class GradientVector { int halfwindow = 1; // 3x3 kernel double sigma2 = 1.4; double[][] kernelGx = new double[2*halfwindow+1][2*halfwindow+1]; double[][] kernelGy = new double[2*halfwindow+1][2*halfwindow+1]; // Constructor public GradientVector() { for(int y=-halfwindow;y<=halfwindow;y++) { for(int x=-halfwindow;x<=halfwindow;x++) { kernelGx[halfwindow+y][halfwindow+x] = Gx(x, y); kernelGy[halfwindow+y][halfwindow+x] = Gy(x, y); } } } // Kernel functions (gaussian 1st order partial derivatives) private double Gx(int x, int y) { double t = (x*x+y*y)/(2*sigma2); double d2t = -x / sigma2; double e = d2t * Math.exp( -t ); return e; } private double Gy(int x, int y) { double t = (x*x+y*y)/(2*sigma2); double d2t = -y / sigma2; double e = d2t * Math.exp( -t ); return e; } // return the Gradient Vector for pixel(x,y) public double[] getVector(ByteProcessor c, int x, int y) { double gx=0, gy=0; for(int dy=-halfwindow;dy<=halfwindow;dy++) { for(int dx=-halfwindow;dx<=halfwindow;dx++) { int xk = x + dx; int yk = y + dy; double vk = c.getPixel(xk,yk); // <-- value of the pixel gx += kernelGx[halfwindow-dy][halfwindow-dx] * vk; gy += kernelGy[halfwindow-dy][halfwindow-dx] * vk; } } double[] gradientVector = new double[] { gx, gy }; return gradientVector; } } } |
Vous trouverez une version "stand-alone" de ce code au Post #14
Et également une version sous forme de Plugin pour l'application de Millie ici -> HarrisDetectionPlugin.jar
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